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science experiment
Science, S.TE.M. and Agriculture

As our curriculum grows year on year, we create new ways of incorporating STEM activities and exciting facets of science as part of general learning and not a separate subject. 

In the S1 classes we have gone from learning some English integrated science for an hour week to having courses in Earth Science, Life Science and Physical Science. These courses use American Middle School textbooks that are aligned to nationwide Common Core State Standards. As these classes may be heavy on theory, we try to work in the fun experiments as often as possible to make the learning a little more hands on and relevant.

To give students the opportunity for some hands on learning, our farm is the perfect place to see science at work and to learn how the changes we make affect the living things around us. Up until now we have been growing vegetables and learning how to get good harvests with the help of local community farmers. Joining us this year is Teacher Ayong. With his expertise in this area he will help us manage our permaculture base.

For the future, we are looking at adding in some real world science exploration to this fun activity. In conjunction with our science lessons, we will be running basic research projects on crops while collecting data to analyze in class and discuss as we are learning. This will help us formulate questions for things we want to learn that we can add to our experimentation in the field. The field work, although a little boring at times, is a crucial part of the learning and scientific method of measuring results and drawing conclusions.

Our middle school building has set aside a multipurpose class dedicated as a space to learn more about STEM, Science and Social Studies in which students are free to look at and use the equipment and displays. This helps students create more pertinent questions during science lessons which lead to interesting learning tangents that result in unexpected and fun learning adventures.

Catapult activity
Cleaning the tutrles
cleaning the turtles again
rooftop garden care
guppy breeding project









Sports Day Food
Cooking Classes


We have weekly cooking classes in which we learn necessary kitchen and cooking skills.

We cook a variety of dishes. Some of these dishes are local delicacies taught to us by Teacher Dodo. She patiently shows us what we need to do, guiding us as we work and offering advice when needed.

We have also cooked some dishes from international cuisines from around the world.

Visual Arts


Creating interesting and eye-catching presentations has already been integrated into many of our subjects.

We employ a variety of tools to create work that not only looks good but also teaches our peers about the things we have learnt in our various classes.

Wells - Why do civilizations rise or fall.jpg
Performing Arts

Improv Club

Mask Icon
Improv club

Teacher Sharp heads the improv club which has been a fun way to learn more about acting, public speaking, thinking and imagining new things.

Website pic of class


We are all part of our class' community and as such, we share equal responsibilities, as well as ownership, for our learning environment.

We have duties to do such as cleaning, taking lunches to the elementary school, presenting project work to the class, coming up with different ideas and voting on those ideas.

All these things make the class feel like it is our class and not just a place we go to be taught something.

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