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Students hiking outing
Scieince presentation
Homeroom Teacher - Teacher Kuang

Teacher Kuang has been with Harmony school for 5 years already and has helped many students during that time. He keeps all of us in the S1 Class on track and moving forward. He is in charge of our daily scheduling, class allocations and even making sure we get to a lesson on time.

Teacher Kuang has done the Montessori 12-18 Orientation which he uses to help us find the answers we need. We are able to go to him whether we need academic, personal or emotional assistance. He is always there for us.

Teacher Kuang is also always there with us. He checks on us during school time and also accompanies us on school outings and field trips. Teacher Kuang's patience and kindness are just 2 of the virtues that make us feel part of the S1 class at HMEI.

Subjects We Learn


  • Math 

  • Chinese Science 

  • Chinese Language 

  • Chinese History

  • Themed Whole-Class Projects

  • Personal Project Writing 

  • Science Lesson Review 

  • Chinese Biology 

  • English Grammar Lesson


  • Whole Afternoon P.E. Lessons  

  • Monthly Whole Day Outdoor Activities

  • Monthly Half Day Outings

  • Outdoor Farm Work - Growing our own food

  • Weekly Cooking Class 

  • Indoor Microgreen Farming


  • Earth Science  

  • Life Science (Biology)

  • Physical Science 

  • Reading 

  • World History 

  • ESL Language Lessons 

  • Project Writing (This Website & School Paper) 

  • World Geography 

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Aquaponics and Permaculture

Farm work
Montessori teacher cooking

Teacher Kuang

Teaching Experience - 7 years

Subjects - Chinese Literature: Reading and Writing, Philosophy,

History, Geography, Civics and Society, Biology, Earth Science, Farm


and Environmental Work, Project Research

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Teacher Sharp

Teaching Experience - 11 Years

Subjects - ESL, Language Arts: Reading and Writing, History, Science, Drama, Improv, Geography

teacher and student

Teacher Gary

Teaching Experience - 19 years in Taiwan

Subjects - Integrated Science, Biology, Earth Science,

Geography, Social Studies, ESL, Aquaculture, Outdoors, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture

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Teacher Ayong

Teaching Experience - Many years and numerous qualifications in environment and resource management as well as food processing work and training 

Subjects - Middle School Math, Integrated Science, Aquaponics, Permaculture Base Coordinator

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Huang BoWen

Teacher Huang

Teaching Experience - 5 years at HMEI

Subjects - Chinese Science, Chemistry, Electrics and Circuitry

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